As winter loses his grip on the cold wind from the north to give way to Spring’s grasp onsouthern air, the most amazing transformations begin…the trees force the leaf buds to crack through the bark on the branches, birds become more active and sing louder and longer…the sun creeps northward to offer warmth along with southern breezes.
On the path to a more northerly post, the sun offers us such amazing and new images of beauty every day…the rise through the jackpine and scrub oaks, spreading fuchsia cotton like clouds above and to the western sky…in the evening, setting over the barn instead of next to it, the shadows grow longer and dances atop the snow in the open field…
The snow begins to melt and soak into the earth offering her the most amazing gift of all, water.Birds begin to return and offer their humble thanks for the gifts of life being brought forth and sing for all to hear.