Thursday, March 5, 2015


As Aristotle's quote, "The soul never thinks without a picture."
I am one of those people who lost her ability to 'visualize' many years ago. So when you say something like, "Imagine this room with soft beige walls and a built in bookcase on each side of a huge rock fireplace with a fire warming up the room. Isn't that beautiful?" I can't image that in my mind...I can, however, recall the feeling and the image of any number of times that I was sitting in front of a fire or a fireplace and feeling the warmth of that is what I go by.

I love to capture all kinds of "images" in the real world, for others to experience and hold close to their hearts and in their minds eye for the rest of their lives.  It truly makes me feel good to see others enJOY the visions I share.  I also keep these images in my memory file to recall when someone starts to describe what they have seen...the excitement my mom had when she called me to tell me she had an Eagle fly right in front of her for about three blocks and how she was mesmerized by the whole experience...I most certainly recalled many of the times Eagles had flown over me or near me...

 When I think, I feel and it is a 'vision' perse, of feelings. It is that, which made this quote so simple and yet profound.