Wednesday, April 1, 2015

You are not alone

You Are Not Alone...

So often we feel as though we are alone in our suffering, in our triumph or any point in between.  If you are a believer in a higher Spiritual Being, such as a "God" or a "Creator" of some sort, then it is always affirming to find/meet 'like' minded/Spirited folks.  Sometimes that feeling may show up in some other form that is meant for you to connect with.

Just when you think you are totally alone, you look up at the sky to say, "Where are you?" or something like that, and there it is!  You can see the Creator of all that is, looking at you...and you know beyond any doubt, "I am NOT alone!"  Take that warm loving feeling and encircle yourself with the love of the Universe and all the Spirits out there that are truly pulling for you and are there to help you through life lessons here on this plane of existence...

We are truly blessed in so many small and yet profound ways...inJOY the day!


  1. In nature is where I meet Spirit. Your photos capture the mystery and magic that I feel. Thanks for sharing.

    1. you are so welcome! Thanks for taking the time to read it and to comment :D

  2. Very nice, Anna. Yes, it is all about nature and solitude...
