Friday, October 9, 2015

Everything happens for a reason...

You know, I truly believe that everything happens for a began with an sister Paula and her son Jake, had dentist appointments in Red Cliff, 9 and 10 am, we would take two vehicles so when Paula was don, we could drive up to Superior for our cousin Caroline's funeral.  We would then come home, rest a bit and take our time driving to the Roadhouse for fish fry with some friends...come home in time for our neighbors, Bill and Celeste to bring over some tomatoes, squash and pumpkins...right before bed on Thursday night, I messaged Jenn, Caroline's daughter and told her I didn't feel comfortable reading the long bible verse they asked me to read and asked if maybe someone else could read for me...she said that was fine...sounds like  busy day and everything doable...

We woke up at 6:00 am...our day began, rushing around doing this and that, making coffee, taking showers, eating breakfast...the time comes to head out to Red Cliff...getting excited, the sun is out and the fall colors should be great!!!

I head out first to get the car started and to move stuff around so my sister could ride comfortably without all kinds of "junk" in the way...half way down the ramp we have, my feet slipped out from under me...up in the air I went, landing in slow motion, flat on my back with only an inch from hitting my head on the step.  Ouch, this will hurt...

The farther from home we drove, the worse I felt...I finally took some tylenol and an aspirin...called the chiropractor and he would be out of the office in the afternoon...dang it! I decided that this was a sign that I should just read the bible verse at the funeral, even tho I don't believe the verse, it was not for me, but for I would let the girls know just as soon as we got there...

I looked into my the bag I brought with my cameras my absolute horror, I pulled a camera out with no lense attached...I found the lens laying loose in the bag...I put it back on the camera and it falls off...the lens is broke!!!  To make matters is a lense borrowed to m because I broke the very same lens a few weeks I have to replace it :'(

The dentist appointment ran late...meaning we ran late...we got behind cars driving 30 mph in a 55 mph zone...grrrrrrr...the funeral was at 11:00...we got there in one piece, however...we were very late in fact, that I missed my reading time :(

Went to the cemetery, then back to the church for lunch...was proud and excited to introduce my sister to family she had never the end, her send off was beautiful...her kids did a great job (with LOTS of help from above) with the will come the hard part...
Stopped off at Yonkers to pick up a sweater...left there three sweaters later and LOVE them all very much!

Took the back roads home, saw some amazing home, visited for a short time, then headed on over to the Roadhouse for fish fry Friday...met up with some great friends, we laughed, joked, talked...had Jake drive home as it was getting harder to move without severe pain in some arias...

We stopped at Bill and Celeste's house (our friends across the pond), they loaded us up with two HUGE boxes of tomatoes, some squash and two pumpkin pie pumpkins...

All in all, it was a great day...Caroline's day was perfect in so many ways...the sun was out, the sky was blue and the colors are you see...everything really does happen for a reason...if I would not have messaged Jenn about not feeling comfortable with the verse, no one would have been there to read...

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