Friday, January 15, 2016

10 Rules for Being Human


Geraldine Ann Dresser - Cline/Martineau

Here is fuel for thought...these are things my mother showed me in her life through a variety of father was the teacher of a few as well. I actually believe them all to be true...What are your thoughts? 

10 Rules for Being Human
from “If Life is a Game, these are the Rules”
by Dr Cherie Carter-Scott

 1)    You will receive a body. You may love it or hate it, but it will be yours for the duration of your life on Earth.

 2)    You will be presented with lessons. You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called ‘life.’ Each day in this school you will have the opportunity to learn lessons. You may like the lessons or hate them, but you have designed them as part of your curriculum.
3)    There are no mistakes, only lessons. Growth is a process of experimentation, a series of trials, errors, and occasional victories. The failed experiments are as much a part of the process as the experiments that work.
4)    A lesson is repeated until learned. Lessons will be repeated to you in various forms until you have learned them. When you have learned them, you can then go on to the next lesson.
5)    Learning does not end. There is no part of life that does not contain lessons. If you are alive, there are lessons to be learned.
6)    ‘There’ is no better than ‘here’. When your ‘there’ has become a ‘here,’ you will simply obtain a ‘there’ that will look better to you than your present ‘here’.
7)    Others are only mirrors of you. You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects something you love or hate about yourself.
8)    What you make of your life is up to you. You have all the tools and resources you need. What you do with them is up to you.
9)    Your answers lie inside of you. All you need to do is look, listen, and trust.
10) You will forget all of this at birth. You can remember it if you want by unravelling the double helix of inner knowing.


  1. Now that I am a galaxy away, it is good to know that the Chics have a Whispering Feather Blog introduced by Anna Merritt Martineau. My lastest work was publishing an eBook for Mi Nombre es Monarca. My thoughts are if the new frontier is via Internet than I want to go as far as possible and reach as many people as possible. I am motivated to do so because the Monarch Butterfly is a messenger and speaks a truth.

    She came to teach about Climate Change and what happens when we harm the enviromnent. As a magnificant winged creature she has no migration borders and lives free to teach in Canada,the United States and Mexico. She teaches the importance of not injesting poisons, emotionally, physically and mentally. La Monarca teaches us that illegal logging and development to the exclusion of people and nature is harmful to all living Beings including water.

    What were we before we came here this round as humans? What do we love intrinicly and how have we come to know this consciously? Do we love what we loved before we were born as humans? I wish I wouldn't forget all at birth. I want to remember the double helix of inner knowing in time to do something about it.

    Instead now I hear inner messages, "It is too late." At 70 years of age, I am at peace. I don't believe there is any untold unfinished business that I need to accomplish in the last chapter of my life on this planet. I am concerned about future generations. I am doing the best with what I have been given this time. It is an honor to be alive and speak our spirit truth.

