Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Thanksgiving Day~

A day set aside to give thanks and to remember those who are long gone that we are thankful for...As I am looking out the window at the snowy trees and the house is quiet, dogs sleeping, coffee in the pot is brewing, Facebook people are posting their "I am thankful for..." and happy wishes notes, a much deeper thought is forming in my heart...

Yes, I too, am thankful for all my family and friends and for the great day we are about to embark on and for the gathering of family to are most of us.

Today, I am pondering many things...for many years I have cooked for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter and all the other "big" days...this year, I am not. My first year that I don't have to send out invitations, rush to the store for last minute menu items, or call the neighbor and beg a bit of ginger...

With Kevin working out of town this year (again), I have been flooded with invites to spend the holiday with them...I have decided to spend it with my brother Donny, his girlfriend Amy and the twins, Jolene and Jesse. The weather has broke and the sky looks crisp and cold in its stunning wintery blue...tomorrow will spend time with my good friend Louanne and bring home yummy left overs!

I am thank full for and to my Creator for the gift of my Spirit that guides me along in my path in this life. For all my good and wonderful friends who support me in my journey, as I support them. To my mother and father for offering to be my earthly parents and for teaching me to pray, to value those around me while showing me a love deeper than any I could imagine until I met my husband, and to my siblings for them being in my life.

This past summer was a celebration of family at our house...we hosted a gathering of nieces and nephews, some that had never met each other and many that I had never met, some that had not seen their fathers since early childhood...they made the trip to spend that weekend at our home, and the brought with them their daughters...WOW...I am a great auntie to a LOT of girls...all I have had in my life (to that point) was great nephews...I must say my heart grew even larger. Our phones have been busy...

Thank you for gifting me with your self in my life! Today, I will be remembering those long gone, less fortunate, working in the service, in the hospital, homeless, and feeling full of thanks for them in my life...
Remember when you are out and, because you can!

1 comment:

  1. I'm smiling...because I can....and wishing you many blessings for the Holiday season.....Thank you for being in my life....
