Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas 2010

Seasons Greetings ~ 2010

This year has brought a year of unbelievable joy and deep sadness. My mother had a dream that all her grandkids would be together, and that they would meet each other for the first time and she could get to know them and they her, each of them that were siblings and had not met, could. The boys that had children and for reasons beyond her control (or theirs), could have the option of meeting if the wanted…I began the search for all these kids on the weekend we buried our mom.

One year later, this past July, they (almost all of them) gathered at our home. It was a great gathering and we got to see/meet relatives we hadn’t seen in years! Three of the four brothers were here and that was so nice! My cousin Mari (mom’s sister Kay’s daughter), her husband Roger and their son Jason stopped in for a few hours, Jim Bruckman (Mari’s brother) and his wife Susan stayed all day! It was truly an amazing weekend and the wait to see Farmer’s son Art and his fiancĂ© Monica was almost mind boggling! They had one problem after the other crossing the states from AZ to here…they made it before the other kids had to leave. Wow…he is sure TALL!!!! He doesn’t get that from his dad J however, my cousin Jim is tall, so it probably does run in the genes…

All these nieces and nephews brought their kids…we are great Auntie & Uncle to GIRLS!! We so enjoyed getting to know them…the ages are from 5-15…can’t wait to see them all again! Oh ya, the nieces/nephews wanted something to always remember the gathering of dreams…a local tattoo artist came to the house and we all got the same tattoo, a dream catcher (grandmas dream) and the date we gathered…yes, I got one too! The search for my sister continues…

Kevin was called back to work and is working in Wells Nevada. Louanne, Kathy and I took a road trip out to see him…we stopped at the bad lands, Custer park, Yellowstone, Tetons, Wells, Antelope Island, Flaming Gorge, and a million places in between…what a stunning country we live in!

This past year brought some profound losses to our family in a span of a couple months…we said good-bye to Shirley, my cousin Kerry’s wife, Johnathan, Aunt Jo Ann’s son and the last one was Larry Martineau (Bev)…my heart is heavy for the loss yet light with the love they shared and the visions they left behind…Giigawaabamin Miinawaa (see you again in Ojibwe).

We send this note along with wishes for a very blessed holiday

Season ~ may the loving feelings remain throughout the year!

Much Love,

Kevin & Anna

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