Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Happy Earth Day ~ International Mother Earth Day 2015

Earth Day ~ International Mother Earth Day 2015

 Earth day was founded by US Senator, Gaylord Nelson.  The first Earth Day was celebrated on April 22, 1970.  In 2009, the UN officially renamed the day as International Mother Earth Day.
On this amazing Mother Earth, we were gifted all that we need to live.  In return, we were asked to respect the earth and all that live on it.  
In this time in our Mother Earth's history, we have come to a place where we function more on our "wants" than our "needs."  We as a human whole, have lost what it means to respect, honor and live with our natural surroundings.  Earth Day was set up for us to remember the trees and why they are so important to to replace those that we take or have been taken...
We "want" many things that the trees can give we take what we need to supply our want.  Animals in nature, need those trees to survive.  That IS their home, their grocery stores, their housing...what once was a rich and diverse home land, has now become barren or plantation of minimal substance...we have depleted so many areas that certain animals live in for our greed for a result, many are now extinct or on the edge of it.
The saying, 'we must be the change we seek in the world' let us take this a step farther and say, 'we need show the change we seek on the earth' let us plant trees that are native to the area in which you them grow and see how grateful the animals are that will come and live and grow in the area you have replenished...Gift Mother Earth with some new native growth!  
While we are at it, let us pick up the trash we see in our area...we certainly wouldn't want someone to come to our home, our yard and throw their trash...
Have a wonder~full day!!!

Here are some images of animals, trees and their symbiotic relationships...






Monday, April 13, 2015

The Dance 4/10/15

In Ojibwe culture, the Aurora Borealis is believed to be the ancestors dancing...the Aurora's are different every time.  Depending on many variables.  If all the variables line up, we are able to see them this far south (Northern WI).  This was such a case on April 10.

I have loved the Northern Lights all my life.  It wasn't till I was in my 20's before I learned the Ojibwe meaning to them...I have always enJOYed them...especially when the colorful pillars show up!  They are like music floating up from the tubes of an organ as it plays scrumptious sounds to see!

As the dogs and I drove around to find the "best spot" to shoot (with a camera) the light show, I was remembering my mother and the times we enJOYed watching the light show and how she loved the stories of the Ojibwe.  How fitting it was, that she would dance for me on her and miss her every day.

Thank you for the dance!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

You are not alone

You Are Not Alone...

So often we feel as though we are alone in our suffering, in our triumph or any point in between.  If you are a believer in a higher Spiritual Being, such as a "God" or a "Creator" of some sort, then it is always affirming to find/meet 'like' minded/Spirited folks.  Sometimes that feeling may show up in some other form that is meant for you to connect with.

Just when you think you are totally alone, you look up at the sky to say, "Where are you?" or something like that, and there it is!  You can see the Creator of all that is, looking at you...and you know beyond any doubt, "I am NOT alone!"  Take that warm loving feeling and encircle yourself with the love of the Universe and all the Spirits out there that are truly pulling for you and are there to help you through life lessons here on this plane of existence...

We are truly blessed in so many small and yet profound ways...inJOY the day!