Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Dirty Laundry

Dirty Laundry

I have this favorite shirt…it is SO nice and comfortable…it does a LOT for the emotional state, it molds to every curve and a million other reasons…it is just so darn comfy!

When the shirt gets to looking a little used, wore out…I just toss it in the dirty clothes hamper and get a new one! I use it for all it is worth, toss it in the dirty clothes…the cycle then begins all over again.

Then comes the day that I have needs like before, I look in the hamper and remember all the things gained from that “special” shirt and I dig it out and use it again! Ah, yes, this is sure that comfy, good-giving shirt…to begin again…

Well, there are many people like this in the world…I am here to say that I have been that “comfy shirt” for a very long time, for a few people…I just want to say that this shirt has now been through the spiritual washing machine and will no longer be that “dirty laundry” for anyone anymore…those days are over.

My new chapter as clean laundry…it sure feels good to not be used for any persons personal gain…the Creator sure has been good to me!!!

If you think I every used you like dirty laundry, PLEASE let me know! Blessings to you for a fresh new day!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Why do I write?

This was a question asked at writers group and it has been a topic that has come up is what I wrote:

Why do you write?

When I was younger and in school, I can’t really remember a time that I was happy to be in or at school. The school put me into their system of “not so smart” kids and pointed it out often. I spent several hours a day with mentally handicapped kids and kids with serious behavior problems. I was scared to be there and to think that my label was now one of them.

I spent all my young years in special reading and math classes, some for general help. I didn’t really need it I just didn’t like school. I was not fun and the stuff we were learning was not true.

I barely made passing grades. When my dad got sick with cancer, the happiest part of that time for me was when I decided to quit school…then after my dad walked on, I decided to go back and finish…when I turned 18 prior to graduation, I decided then that I was signing myself out of all the special classes and went main stream. I ended up with very good grades…and graduated with the honor of achievement. I was so happy I would never have to read another book or write anything…EVER!

Well, that all came crashing down on me in 1990. Writing came to me when I was 25 years of age. I began to have thoughts in my head that would NOT go away…they would play over and over in my head till I wrote them down. Once I wrote them down, they didn’t bother me again.

In the beginning, I wrote short stories because I was NEVER, EVER going to write poetry…THAT would be torture! That illusion too, came to a quick end. I began having thoughts of rhyming words…then different forms of poems…then came the haiku’s! As my writing got better, so did my photography…and in those two things, lies the gifts.

I write because the Creator has something to say and I will write it down…I take pictures because the Creator has spirits in their beauty to share…

Anna Martineau Merritt, 2008

Monday, June 28, 2010


This Haiku I wrote for this bridge image a long time ago...thought this is a good time to share it:

Depression grips you
Build a bridge ~ walk over it
Happiness waits here
Anna Martineau Merritt

A question posed today...can you rebuild burned bridges?

I believe that with a lot of work, time, patience, compromise, willingness of both parties, it most certainly can! The best part about it is this...when you build the bridge with new respect and compromises, the bridge is stronger and wiser than before!

What I have learned in my young life is that every decision in life is a "yes" or "no" choice that we make...the best choice is always made when you think the best and worst outcomes and then make your choice based on if you are able to live with the worst outcome or not.

Sometimes the bridge is best left burned and a new one built to better avenues...

Today is the first day of the rest of your life, blessings for a great bridge building day and smile because you can...

Friday, June 25, 2010


I can't tell you in words, how profound today has been for me...I have been planning a meeting of my mother's grandchildren...those that she had either never met, or hadn't seen since their infancy/toddler time. By choices made so many years ago, the lives of many have been altered...connections has always, all ways, been my mother and my believe that NO ONE has a right to deny access to these children. they have siblings, aunties, uncles, parents and grandparents, and many cousins that love them and want to know them.

My mother and I had tried over the years to connect/reconnect/rekindle relationships or locate these children. Sadly, this did not happen before my mother walked on. It was her dream to get everyone together. She would say she would love to see them together and bond with each other...this past year has been a long journey of searching and through miraculous chains of events, they have all been found!

The third weekend in July (the 17), we will all be together here, at our this moment in time, each of the nieces and nephews and their families will be here...a few will be absent as other commitments prevailed. I am so excited to meet everyone and begin a new chapter in our family book of life...

I sit here still...still in the moment of absolute love for all of these children and for their grandmother who dreamed this and saw it all in the clouds and know that beyond a doubt, she will be right here with all of us on our special day...dream BIG!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Tuesday with rays

Tuesday, we had quite the storms roll through our area. After dinner, Kevin and I drove to Solon Springs, got a treat at the DQ and then drove the back roads home. We saw a storm roll over Lake St. Croix, off to other destinations north and east of Solon...the cloud formations were stunning!

On our way, the sun peaked through clouds as rays, and the feeling that filled my heart was, "prayer is powerful be thank full." I would like to share that with you as I have always, all ways, believed in the power of prayer. We may be at the end of our rope and hanging on by a simple prayer can pull you up to the top in no time flat!

Prayer helps the person saying them as much as it does the person receiving them...As you look at the rays peaking behind the clouds, imagine them as God, the Creator of all that is, showering you with divine love...know that you are blessed!

Have a great day!!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Worth it...

These are my favorite pics from yesterday...these are the shots that made my going to Crex and out for a drive with Kevin in the heat/humidity/storm all worth it.

Once at Crex Meadows Wildlife Area ( ), I was so fortunate to see the Scarlet Tanager and he sat there for his picture! I thought sure he would fly, but he didn't and aren't you lucky!

The more I drove around Crex, the warmer and more humid it got and thus, the sicker I began to feel. I met up with Agogo, a friend of mine from over near Crex and usually we LOVE to shoot together...I felt so icky, I couldn't even do that! We watched a momma loon and her two babies try to stay cool...after about a half hour of that, we parted ways and we both headed home the long way.

Somewhere on county road 77, the vehicle in front of me slammed on his breaks, as then did I...a dang dog walking across the road, taking his sweet time. I was so ticked! Before I could get too mad, I noticed it was with another one and he had a tracking collar on...OMG! This was NOT a dog, they were wolves!!!! I grabbed my camera off the seat and snapped about 10 or so shots...prayed that at least one would turn out...I was lucky, one turned out and one almost...hehehe That sure was the highlight of my day!!!

After I got home, Kevin cooked us burgers and hotdogs on the grill and he treated to a DQ and a nice long ride through the back roads...the storm was just north of us, so we were able to get some great sky deer let me take her picture and everyone else took off into the woods before I could even get close...hehehehe

So, was it worth it? Ya, I believe it you know how my Tuesday went...I wonder what today will bring...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


As I sip my coffee, ponder over how much better I feel and writers group today...while I listen to the birds all in fluster over other birds in their "area," I find myself in the middle of a longing...a longing for the sights and sounds of Crex Meadows Wildlife Area...I look out the kitchen sliding glass doors and see a parent House Sparrow feeding a young fledgling and the longing becomes almost an ache.

I wonder how the baby swans are doing, how big are they? The Canadian Geese that were waddling across the road the last time I was there...can they fly now? What butterflies are out on the meadows...boy-o-boy does my mind drift. The sun is out today and the weather for there is partly cloudy...a great day for butterflies...and babies. Maybe I should go to writers group today...or just sit back, relax and take it easy...hmmmm

I wonder which will win out...have a great day and smile, because you can!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Summer Changes

Good morning!
Welcome to today, the first day of summer! As the sights and sounds of summer wipe away the images of spring, I am reminded by all the little baby creatures, that time is really moving fast!

It is now almost one and a half years since my mom walked on and almost thirty years since my dad walked moments in time they both seem as tho they just happened and other times, it is as if a lifetime has past. It seems like yesterday that I was making a turn-around special trip to pick up my mom so she could see her great grandson, Joe Perkins III who was born on her birthday...I remember the times my dad and I went target practicing...the family would camp on Wisconsin Point...

As we move into this awesome time of summer, I am being reminded to keep an open heart and mind to all the different changes taking place in each of our lives...some small, some large and some just existing...and constantly keep vigil for the teacher of the newest lesson and praying at the same time, that the lesson will not be as painful as some in the past.

As the promise of summer brings about new changes in and for nature, it too, will bring about changes for us.

Have a very happy and blessed Summer!!!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Heliotrope to the Point

As I sit here and look out the window, the sun is shining, the wind is picking up, the birds are singing, the fountain in the lower pond is splashing, a robin is digging in the flower bed and dipping it in the middle pool, the dogs are on the bed sleeping, Kevin is out for a walk that he has not been able to do for days because of the weather, the smell of the Heliotrope is dancing through the window...what more could a person ask for?

I can close my eyes and bring myself to Wisconsin Point, the most peaceful place on earth...I can feel the love of my ancestors as the lake breeze invades my senses...just as intoxicating as the Heliotrope...yup, nothing better in life...

Live in love, peace, joy, happiness and laughter! Have a great day!!!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Looking Up

We look up when we are in desperate need of a prayer, divine guidance, scolding for something meaningless...maybe we might look up at the stars if we are thinking about it or someone else reminds us how beautiful the sky is, and we smile, look up, take a deep breath and say, ya, it sure is!

Have you ever really looked up when you go for a walk in the woods or on a country (or city) road? The trees are filled with birds of all kinds, the different designs and shapes the leaves and branches form as the sun struggles to break through...pine forests are different than leafy hardwoods and they are different from a ceder bog, and so on...when a mama bear is foraging, and she is not sure if there may be danger or not, she will chase her babies up in a tree. It sure is a sight to see!!!

Did you know that wild cats, some snakes, on occasions a fox will hang out in a tree...and even bears will sit in trees to cool of or take a snooze. So when you look up and shake your fist or ask for divine sure of where/what and who you are shaking at. :)

When you are out and about, don't just look down, but look up...same in life...look up with your head held high and know that you are not alone! Ever! Blessings to you for a great day!!!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

When Animals Gift you with a pose...

Isn't it humbling when animals in nature choose to pose for you and allow their wonderful loving spirit to be visible for you and the world to see...that is what happened for me yesterday that the Vince Shute Bear Sanctuary yesterday. I went with two very good friends of mine and we had such a great time!

If you would like to see a few more shots, please feel free to check out the flickr photo box, click on the picture you like and have fun!!!!

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Welcome to my blog!!! I plan to write/share my thoughts with you for each day...adding photographs here and there...stop in, share your thoughts on what I have written and stop back often!

The picture is of a field...never really get a chance to see just how stunning a field is! Stop sometime and just look...amazing what you can/will find...

Have a great day and smile, because you can!!!