Friday, June 18, 2010

Heliotrope to the Point

As I sit here and look out the window, the sun is shining, the wind is picking up, the birds are singing, the fountain in the lower pond is splashing, a robin is digging in the flower bed and dipping it in the middle pool, the dogs are on the bed sleeping, Kevin is out for a walk that he has not been able to do for days because of the weather, the smell of the Heliotrope is dancing through the window...what more could a person ask for?

I can close my eyes and bring myself to Wisconsin Point, the most peaceful place on earth...I can feel the love of my ancestors as the lake breeze invades my senses...just as intoxicating as the Heliotrope...yup, nothing better in life...

Live in love, peace, joy, happiness and laughter! Have a great day!!!!


  1. Sound beautiful. You just gave me an idea. Think I might take a ride away from here and out to the point today.

  2. Beautiful, Anna! Enjoy your day. My book fair in Wadena was just cancelled due to a tornado that hit them hard. The people of Wadena could use our prayers - and a dose of beauty in their lives...

  3. Prayers being sent up Jan!!! Glad you are ok!

  4. Beautiful, Anna... great web-site/ blog... Love the pic of the Point!! And your beautiful thoughts!!

  5. You take me away better than Calgon!!!!!So beautiful....
    Prayers up for everywon who is suffering.....
